Sunday, 19 May 2013


Mango as you all know is a kind of seasonal fruits that grows on a particular kind of green trees, they are of utmost benefit to our health and maybe because of the way they taste we often forget about its nutritional value.

Mangoes are so enriched in nature for almost all the vitamins and minerals we'll ever need.

They contain anti oxidants, they contain proteins in minute quantities, you might be surprised but they also contain fats and enough calories.

Maybe you are the type that like jogging in the morning before going out to work or in your own case your work looks like that of a physical exercise.

when you take this fruit mango, especially if you eat a reasonable amount or quantity of that it returns back the lost salt in your system and also the energy you loosed in the process of the exercise.

Likewise the vitamins so you can see that mango as small as it might seem to you have a whole lot of goo to our health.

Mangoes not only gives us this nutrious values but act as agents when taken in the fight against germs and diseases, keeps our skin fresh and help our body system function properly.

Also in a case where nutrients ain't available and children suffer, mango can be given to children to supplement their required nutrition.

Its good for children because of the energy and vitamins it affords them I mean children between the age of 6-24 months can benefit from the intake of mango and leave really healthy and stronger.

Mango can be given to prevent suffering from dental problems, thereby serving as means of preventive measure taken against tooth ache.

Not leaving out the bark of mango trees which also has the function and is used as a medicine against catarrh, ulcers, diphtheria, rheumatism, hemorrhage and other related problems.

The most significant well to me is its provision of pro-vitamin A, mangoes contain vitamin A that's very essential for eye sight and good body defense deficiency in these might cause a disastrous effect.

Doctor's advice: mangoes should be consumed as often as possible and before consumption make sure its properly rinsed before you start eating, healthy life style requires you take a lot of fruits daily and often times.

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