Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Greater pressure, greater power.

Some automobiles are equipped with motors of 325 horsepower, how is this increased power produced? The cylinder head is milled or ground, as much as twenty-thousand of an inch to give a smaller cubic inch displacement in the cylinder head of the engine. This results in an increase in horsepower, just incase you didn't get that let me simply it, it means the greater the pressure, the greater the power.

This is also true in the spiritual relm, the greater the pressure upon us, the greater is our realization of our helplessness with the result that our dependence upon God is greater and we receive spiritual power, said paul, "we were pressed out of measure, above strength" that is human strength. When thus pressed, we press closer to the one whose "strength is made perfect in our weakness" and who give us "more grace".

Pressed out of measure and pressed to all strength, pressed so intensely it seems beyond strength, pressed in the body and pressed in the soul, pressed in the mind till the dark surges roll, pressed by foes and pressured by friends, pressure on pressure till life nearly ends, pressed into loving the staff and the rod, pressed into knowing no other helper but God, pressed into liberty were nothing clings, pressed into faith for the impossible things, pressed into living a life for the Lord, pressed into living a christ-like life out-poured.

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